Sidenote: I'm (well, technically it's little yeti) now tweeting on twitter (gah! stupid lingo), but if you care you can follow me here.
Things I'm working on:
-Beijing/California illustration
-T-shirt design for charity
-"I'm moving" postcard for client
-"Thank you cards" both to sell and to send out (thanks everyone!)
-Valentine's Day product
-Spectrum submission (although in all honesty, might not happen this go-round)
-Little Yeti site & designs
-donating the Boat (aka the Taurus) to charity
-finding printers for Little Yeti
-signing up for Zipcar/Citycarshare something so we have transportation
-getting to 80
-Bad Date Zine Issue 2
And yes, all of these things have deadlines before I go back to school on the 26th, so I have a little over a week...
So, since I haven't posted any art up here for a while (well, I haven't posted anything, really), here ya go.

No on Prop 8 - Thermofax screenprint, 6" x 8." 'Nuff said.

Chronos - My final project for my Figure Painting class. Oil on canvas, 24" x 36." I thought larger paintings would be easier than small paintings. I was wrong...kinda. Anyway, there ya' go.

Birth - 12" x 16." Oil, mixed media on canvas. One of my experiments with style/mixed media.