Friday, January 25, 2008

No new art, just projects

So I haven't really been working on anything decent to put up here recently, but I have been sticking to my "draw every day" routine, so I'm at least still working.

However, I'm currently working on a variety of projects while enjoying the last fleeting days before school starts up again:
-The Yet-as-unnamed-collective: a bunch of friends and I meet biweekly in order to kick around ideas, show mock-ups, and eventually we hope to start up a business!
-The Zine project: Eve and I are holding each other to two-week deadlines for the major steps of making a zine, in the hope that we'll both have zines to distribute in 10 weeks.
-52 cards: I'm working on redesigning all 52 cards of a standard deck of playing cards (it's still up in the air if I'll end up doing the jokers as well). I'm aiming for completion in January of 2009, so I'll average one card per week. Sadly, I'm slacking and only have really even started with one card so far. But hopefully I'll get into the groove of things, as this is my experimental project. I really want to use different styles and techniques to showcase all the different subject matters and styles of art that I enjoy creating.
-Etsy: I also want to get up on Etsy and finally go about making an account. I figure it's the next best thing until I get off my ass and finally finish the webstore/website that I've been talking about making for the last year.

I think the major holdups on the website boil down to 2 things: a)not knowing which style I want to focus on (cute vs. scary vs. realistic vs. cartoony vs. political) and b)not having enough material to put a site up. Sigh.

Anyway, keep on rocking, and hopefully I'll be back with some art soon.

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