Monday, September 28, 2009

really really quick sketch

~15 min, all photoshop.

I watched The Dark Knight a few weeks ago (again), and besides me walking around annoying Eve with the "wHy So sERIouS??" line all the time, I've also been working on some logo prelims for a sketch comedy troupe. Thus, besides the craft fair I'm putting on, my brain has been all about clowns.

Anyway, I slept early (~12:45ish) and am now feeling overloaded with things to do before I go to work at 12:30. So, I wanted to throw up a sketch and get back to work.

Also, I taught the Japanese Stab Binding class last night at Paper Source, and although we didn't get through as many stitches as I wanted to, I think everyone took away a good deal of basic stab binding knowledge and hopefully they can apply it to many more books.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NY ice cream can't be beat

So my friends in NY have started up their own little company that sells artisian ice cream via delivery service. How fucking cool is that? So besides being completely jealous of them coming up with such an amazing idea, I am also super inspired to hurry and get my shit together and get some of my projects up and out into the world.

Anyway, you seriously need to check them out, and if you are in NY, you are a FOOL to not sign up...there's only 50 spots so hop on that shit ASAP.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quick Studies, first of many

So in a pretty unbelievable stroke of luck, my Quick Studies class is not only taught by Craig Nelson, but also my Tomotsu Takashima. Holy frickin' crap, this class is awesome.

Anyhoo, I just figured I'd post a 60-minute study I did today. Yay for posting new work! Yay for a awesome semester! Now I just have to get all my crap together for my silkscreen class tomorrow!

Acrylic on canvas board, 60 minute pose.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lameness with lack of travel

It saddens me a bit to think that I'm practically the only one out of my group of friends from college that hasn't visited any of my other friends who have been sprinkled throughout (although a bit generously in New York) around the country.

I'm also one of the few friends (Eve being the other) that hasn't made it out to visit my old roommate who is now living in Shanghai.

Granted, we're probably the only ones in school who are still working retail to barely pay for rent, food, and art supplies, but it does raise the question of where my priorities in life are.

I have been incredibly lucky to have a group of friends who understand how hard it is for me to find time to get out and visit/hang out (especially when it involves a trip that lasts more than a few hours). Whether I was running a theater group or going to school/working 7 days a week, they've understood that I don't have the luxury of taking a few days off and flying out someplace.

I'm trying to start up a business (multiple businesses, actually) and it sucks, but it seems to take up all my time. So, basically, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is still my friend even after the years (holy crap!) of not seeing each other, or me not hanging out with people even in the Bay for months on end.

It does make me wonder if I'll ever really "have time" though. If it's not acting, then it's art, or writing, or organizing a craft fair, or working on a design project, or illustrating, or redesigning a website or (eventually) having book signings and gallery openings. I guess I just have to make time, then.

Anyway, on a bit more cheerful note, I finally picked up Issue 18 of Hyphen, where my illustration stands happily (if not totally proudly) on page 16. Woo!!!