Self-portrait: Pastel
So the good news is that thanks to the awesomeness of "monkeyboy" from the
Airtight interactive forums, I managed to work out most of the kinks from my personal site and it's up and running. Now it's just some design issues (uh, the header a bit big, anyone?) but at least it's functional.
www.rickkitagawa.com. Come check it out!
In other, lamer news, I submitted 5 pieces to the Spring Show for fine art and got a total of 0 of them in. Sigh. I was most disappointed that none of my silkscreen pieces got in, but I have to admit they're more pizazz rather than super technical printing, so if that's what I'm being judged on, then so it goes. It just means I have to get better at printing while keeping the looseness that I like. Anyhoo, I'll try and photograph all my submissions this weekend and get 'em up here and in my store soon.
Judging for the Illustration portion of the show is today and this weekend, so it's my last shot to getting in this year. Cross your fingers.
So I thought about it this morning, and as much as it eats shit that I didn't get in this year, I realized that in the end, it's not about the Spring Show. I asked myself "would you still go to art school even if they didn't have a show? Would you still go to art school if you knew you weren't going to get in next year?" I would, and even though I still damn well want to get into the show next year, it's really about learning. I have the rest of my life to get into shows and craps (it would be nice if it happened right away), so I should just focus on getting better.
I'm still going to try and sell the crap out of my artwork, but such is life.
Also, so I fell short of the $600 in 10 days goal, but I did manage to get a graphic design gig that made about half of that. So who knows, maybe this whole "setting goals" thing works.