Two new prints will be hitting the store soon, a 3-color squid, and a 1-color "fornicate your couch" homage to Dave Chappelle.
In other, more lame-ass news, I didn't get into the Spring Show, period. It does make me feel a little bit better that the rumor is that since they're so limited on space, they were really biased against large pieces (while most of the pieces that might have gotten in were pretty large). Even so, I just have to keep on doing what I'm doing, and even though I won't be in the Spring Show, such is the life of an artist.
On the other hand, Eve did get accepted into the Spring Show for Illustration! She submitted 4 pieces, and we're not sure how many will get hung, but even though I'm bummed about my own situation, I'm super excited that her stuff will be in the show! Woot!
Anyhoo, even though I have class tomorrow and Friday, I don't have any finals due (I finished them early to submit to the show). Well, even though I didn't make it, at least now I'm pretty much done with the semester. So now I'm taking a nice break and playing some Settler of Catan online. My handle is Little Yeti, so if you see me, join up on a game!
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