Friday, December 31, 2010


Well, I sort of fell off the wagon during the holidays, but I was still making art every day!  Alas, I think I've come to the realization that the art every day is frickin' tough.  As 2010 comes to a close, I'll definitely try to stay active and post new work and such, but I'm not going to kill myself to post every day.

I have some new goals - more finished pieces, finishing up my portfolio and shopping it around, getting the workshops at Big Umbrella going, plus I have a show in March and June to work towards. 

I'm also trying to get more guides up on the Monkey + Seal site (free and paid), and I'm also working on building up the Monkey + Seal website so it's bigger and better. 

Anyway, I've actually sort of settled on a style for my digital illustration work (I never thought anything remotely close would actually happen), and so here are the pieces (some updated a bit from their original postings here) that are currently in consideration for a portfolio.  I'm hoping to get another 10-20 pieces so I can narrow it down to a nice strong 12-15 or so. 

Have a great 2011!

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